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주요 키워드

오늘의 할일

  • 220413 TIL 작성
  • AWS Study W2 제출자료 완성하기
  • Ansible 강의 한바퀴돌려보기, 정리는 나중에

추가로 정리해야할 부분

LAMP; Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, Php
오 몰랏당..


수업 정리

Ansible Full Course

  1. Introduction To Ansible
  2. YAML Overview
  3. How To Access Your Working Files

    여기까진 다른내용으로 충분 —

  4. Setting Up A Test Environment Ansible
  5. Installing Ansible

vagrant 사용
ctrl1 ubuntu/trusty64
ctrl22 centos7

nodes > Amazon EC2

대충 Ansible 우분투랑 센트OS에 깐다는내용 대충 인스턴스 접속에 사용할 ssh를 준비한다는내용

앤서블이 사용할 기본 pem키를 설정하고, ssh 접속 여부를 확인하기

cd /etc/ansible
cat ansible.cfg | grep private_key
vi ansible.cfg
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/220331_key.pem

ssh -i ~/.ssh/220331_key.pem  ec2-user@

실습할 폴더를 생성하고 host 파일?inventory? 생성하기

mkdir ~/pjt | cd~/pjt
vi hosts
cat hosts

컨트롤 머신과 ec2머신 통신 확인하기

ansible testserver -i hosts -u ec2-user -m ping | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
> EC2 머신에게 핑? 하니까 퐁! 함. 귀여워

6. Manual Inventory

ASB 설치시 /etc/ansible에 hosts파일이 생성됨
But Presenter prefer to make own hosts file in the pjt directory
그렇게함으로써 플레이북을 작동시킬시 별도의 hosts파일의 경로를 잡아주지않아도 같은 디렉토리내의 hosts를 읽고 수행
하지만 참고할만한 예시들이 들어있기때문에 기본 파일을 살펴볼 가치는 있음.

인벤토리파일은 .ini 또는 다른형식으로 작성됨
 #그룹밖에 입력하면 전체대상


test1.example.com:5555 #hostname:port nu

apache[01:50].example.com #50 apache serv
nginx[50:100].example.com #50 nginx serv


one of the big common use cases w/invt.
 > specify connection and and user info hostname


best practice; don't set variables in invt.
- break out group-host pairs into own files

7. Getting Started With Configuration
default location: /etc/ansible

like host, put in the same dir. make it precedent over any ASB config files

config 파일은 7개의 항목으로 구성됨
defaults, invt, privilege_esc, paramiko_connection,ssh_connection,persistent_connection, accelerate
+selinux, colors, diff, 

introduction of some parameters
ask_pass >
forks > how many parallel processes are spawned against remote hosts


which is favorites



timeout maximum time to try ssh connet

transport ssh based conn, version ctrl

8. Ansible Configuration File Ansible
ad hoc

ping is a good start
and also manage packages services users grps etccccccccc.

ansible testserver -i hosts -u ec2-user -m setup  
command/targets/-i which hostfile to use. mush provide path if not in the same dir./-u which user that connecting now/ -m which module?

ansible testserver -i hosts -u ec2-user -m yum -a "name=httpd state=latest" -b

-a는 모엿지
-b become root. 


ansible testserver -i hosts -u ec2-user -m service -a "name=httpd state=started" -b

ansible localhost -m ping
ansible localhost -m setup
ansible localhost -m uptime

9. Where To Go For Help On The CLI 

ansible-doc -h
gives me of option

ansible-doc -l | grep ec2 > ec2 관련 모듈정보
ansible-doc -l | grep win > windows 관련 모듈정보
ansible-doc ec2_eni | /security_group으로 parameter 찾기 가능

10. Ad-Hoc Commands

11. Intro To Playbooks

playbooks are building blocks of ansible command

- name: install and configure mariadb
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes

    mysql_port: 3306

  - name: install mariadb
    yum: name=mariadb-server state=latest

  - name: create mysql configuration file
    template: src=my.cnf.j2 dest=/etc/my.cnf
    notify: restart mariadb

  - name: create mariadb log file
    file: path=/var/log/mysqld.log state=touch owner=mysql group=mysql mode=0775

  - name: start mariadb service
    service: name=mariadb state=started enabled=yes

  handlers:         #핸들러부분은 아직 이해안간당 notify랑 연결되는거 같은뎅 
  - name: restart mariadb
    service: name=mariadb state=restarted
  1. Variables


  • maria_vars.yml

ansible-playbook -i hosts mariadb.yml –extra-vars “hosts=testserver”

registered variables

  vi ver_cases.yml
- name: testing variable stuff
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user

  - name: get date on the server
    shell: date
    register: output

  - debug: msg="the date is {output.stdout}" 

variables gatherd from fact data

  - debug: var=ansible_distribution_version

  - name: group some machines together temporarily
  - group_by: key=rhel_{ansible_distribution_version}
    register: group_result

  - debug: var=group_result

  ansible-playbook -i hosts var_cases.yml
  1. Conditionals
vi conditionals.yml
- name: testing conditionals
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes
    unicorn: true

  - name: don't install on debian machines
    yum: name=httpd state=latest
    when: (ansible_os_family=="RedHat" and ansible_distribution_major_version=="6")

  - name: are unicorns real or fake
    shell: echo "unicorns are fake"
    when: not unicorn

  - fail: msg="unicorns require rainbow variable to be set"
    when: rainbow is undefined

  - name: test to see if selinux is running
    shell: genenforce
    register: sestatus

  - name: configure selinux if not enforcing
    seboolean: name=mysql_connect_any state=true persistent=yes
    when: sestatus.rc !=0

  - name: checking systemd
    shell: cat /var/log/messages
    register: log_output

  - name: next task
    shell: echo "systemd knows when we're doing ansible stuff"
    when: log_output.stdout.find('ansible') !=0
    register: shell_echo

- debug: var=shell_echo

register variables and conditional statements tend to go hand in hand

  1. Loops

shorthand way to do multiple tasks in one

  - name: install mariadb
    yum: name={item} state=installed
    - mariadb-server
    - MySQL-python
    - libselinux-python
vi loops.yml
- name: testing loops
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes

  - name: looping over environment facts
    debug: msg={item.key}={item.value}
    with_dict: ansible_env

  - name: looping over files and then copy
    copy: src= dest=/tmp/loops
    with_fileglob: "/tmp/*.conf"

  - name: do until someting
    shell: echo hello
    register: output
    retries: 5
    delay: 5
    until: output.stdout.find('hello') !=-1
  1. Blocks blocks r new as a versio 2.0 and allow logically group tasks and apply certain directrives to them

this is useful when cond. statement & privilege esc. section

- name: testing blocks
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes

    - block:
      - name: copying in a block
        copy: src=/tmp/test1.txt dest=/tmp/loops
      - debug: msg="Stop. Error time."
      - debug: msg="This message will always display."

copiny in a block is showing example of error handling prompt rescue message when there was something wrong

    - block:
      - block:
        - block:
          - block: msg="nesting some blocks"

ansible-playbook -i hosts blocks.yml

  1. Templates

templates and ansible are processed by jinja2 templating language

아니이거 예제나 첨부파일이 따로있나? 왜 뭐만하면 쑥쑥나오지?

- name: testing templates
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes

    listenport: 8888

    - name: insert iptables template
      template: src=iptables.j2 dets=/etc/sysconfig/iptables
      notify: restart iptables

  - name: restart iptables
    sevice: name=iptables state=restarted
  1. Jinja2 Filters various filters just like variables, loops jinja.poku.org

  2. Playbook Best Practices

  3. Include Statements
  4. Role Directory Structure
  5. Breaking A Playbook Into A Role Part - 1
  6. Breaking A Playbook Into A Role Part - 2
  7. Declaring Roles In Main Playbook
  8. Role Dependencies
  9. Privilege Escalation
  10. Delegation And Local Actions Ansible
  11. Error Handling
  12. Check Mode And Debugging Playbooks Part - 1
  13. Check Mode And Debugging Playbooks Part - 2
  14. Windows Support Part - 1
  15. Windows Support Part - 2
  16. EC2 Dynamic Inventory Part - 1
  17. EC2 Dynamic Inventory Part - 2
  18. Ansible Vault



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