4 minute read


최악의 일주일이였다

내 스타일은 너무 명확하고
현재 강사님은 그 스타일과 맞지 않으니
뭘 해야하나 어떻게해야하나하면서
좀 방황하면서 공부 동력도 좀 잃어버린느낌?

내일은 주말이고 멘토님 특강도 있으니까

앤서블사용해서 LAMP 서버구축하고 Wordpress 까지 구축하는 Playbook을 생성하면 되려나?
아마존 ec2 인스턴스 자동생성 task도 찾아서 붙이고
web 인스턴스랑 db인스턴스 구분해서 할수있으려나

그러면 그사이에 mysql 연동설정같은것도 할수있나?
그거까지 할 수 있으면 다다음주 미니 프로젝트 진행할건 다한거겠지. 화이팅

흠 근데 저 ppt 그냥 회사자료가져와서 하는건줄 알았는데 분량 추가되고 내용 좀 보니까 강사님이 직접 만드신거 같긴하네 음.. 그래도 아예 노력을 안하시는건 아닌가 보구나. 살짝 평가 정정

주요 키워드

오늘의 할일

  • 220415 TIL 작성
  • Ansible 공식문서읽어보기

추가로 정리해야할 부분

ansible 개념 단어들 정리 fact, template, loop, conditionals, blocks, handlers, role….

수업 정리

  1. Breaking A Playbook Into A Role Part - 1

  2. Breaking A Playbook Into A Role Part - 2 (1:26:00)

ansible-galaxy init common
vi ntp.yml
- name: install ntp
  yum: name=ntp state=present

- name: configure ntp file
  template: src=ntp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ntp.conf
  notify: restart ntp

- name: start the ntp service
  sevice: name=ntpd state=started enabled=yes
- name: restart ntp 
sevice: name=ntpd state=restarted 

끝나고나면 ~/pjt/roles/common/tasks에 main, ntp, selinux YAML파일생성

- include: selinux.yml
- include: ntp.yml
  1. Declaring Roles In Main Playbook(1:29:53)
vi site.yml
- name:deploy common and mariadb role
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes

  - common
  - mariadb

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
  1. Role Dependencies (1:32:33)
- name: install httpd and firewalld
  yum: name={item} state=present
  - httpd
  - firewalld

- name: start firewalld
  service: name=firewalld state=started enabled=yes

- name: insert firewalld rule for httpd
  firewalld: port={httpd_port}/tcp permanent=true state=enabled immediate=yes

- name: start httpd
  service: name=httpd state=started enabled=yes
  1. Privilege Escalation (1:36:50)

idea of becoming another user

vi ansible.cfg


  1. become is the new syntax as of 2.0 if 1.9, pseudo
  2. make your user is privileged
  3. can’t limit to certain commands
  4. become can’t be chained
vi site.yml

- name:deploy common and mariadb role
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes
  become_user: postgres
  become_method: pbrun
> 만약 데이터베이스작업이있고, 해당유저만필요하다면
  become_user: michelle

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml -vvvv # 4v > debug level verbosity, can see actuall user change
  1. Delegation And Local Actions Ansible (1:42:10)

delegatimg a task to specific server

~/pjt vi testdelegate.yml

- name: test delegate
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes

  - name: restart machine
    shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -r now "Ansible updates have happend"
    async: 1
    poll: 0
    ignore_errors: True

  - name: waiting for server to come back
    wait_for: host={inventory_hostname} state=started delay=30 timeout=300
    become: no

  - name: waiting for server to come back
    local_action: wait_for host={inventory_hostname} state=started delay=30 timeout=300
    become: no
why use delegate?
In 1st tasks, we'll lose connection to host, but wanna keep playbook going

by local action, we can shorten

- name: test delegate facts
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes

  - name: gather local facts
    delegate_facts: true
ansible-playbook -i host testdelegate.yml
  1. Error Handling (1:48:15) error handling is a broad term to cover ways to handle potential failures in ur ansible
~pjt vi testerrors.yml

- name: testing error handling
  hosts: testserver
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes

  - name: testing ignore errors
    user: name=michelleP password={uPassword}
    ignore_errors: yes 

  - name: next task
    shell: echo hello world

  - name: quick echo
    shell: echo $PATH
    register: result

  - debug: msg="Stop running playbook if the play failed"
    failed_when: result|failed

  - name: echo failed
    shell: echo I failed
    register: output

  - debug: msg="Okay really stop the playbook"
    failed_when: output.stdout.find('failed')!=-1

  - name: just adding another task in here to show you that it will stop
    shell: echo hello world

ansible-playbook -i host testerrors.yml
  1. Check Mode And Debugging Playbooks Part - 1 (1:53:05)

checkrun by drydun

29. Check Mode And Debugging Playbooks Part - 2 (1:58:15)

전반적으로 영상보면서 오류 메시지랑 수정방법 체크하면댈듯

30. Windows Support Part - 1 (2:03:10)

윈도우 host서버 준비과정
인벤토리 변수와 호스트파일 설정
win_ping으로 연결상태 확인

윈도우에서는 ssh 사용못함. winrm

  • name: testing windows module hosts: windows

    vars: uPassword: w!ndowS


    • name: run ipconfig raw: ipconfig register: ipconfig

    • debug: var=ipconfig

    • name: test stat module on file win_stat: path=”C:/Windows/win.ini” register: stat_file

    • debug: var=stat_file

    • name: add a local group win_group: name=TestWindowsGroup description=”My Windows group” state=present

    • name: add a local user win_user: name=TestUser password={uPassword} groups=TestWindowsGroup group_action=add

    • name: give my local user some permissons win_acl: path: “C:\User\Public” user: TestUser rights: FullControl type: allow

31. Windows Support Part - 2 (2:09:00)
 Part1에서 생성한 플레이북 작동 및 결과 설명

vi windows.yml

32. EC2 Dynamic Inventory Part - 1

host 파일에서 인벤토리를 관리했지만,
aws ec2에 적용할 경우 ex2 외부 인벤토리 스크립트

ec2 file 생성하기

ec2 폴더를 생성하고, keypair.yml와 라이브러리 폴더 생성 
ec2.ini  inventory for ec2
chmod +x ec2.py
pip install boto

iam, get security credential and down access&secret access key

in part2, write a playbook to utilize some ec2

33. EC2 Dynamic Inventory Part - 2 (2:19:25)

In part1, set up process, confirm connectivity w/amz by ./ec2.py --list   

vi playbook.yml

  • name: launching an ec2 instance hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: false


    • keypair.yml


    • name: search for the latest rhel 7 ami ec2_ami_find: region: us-east-1 owner: “309956199498” name: “RHEL-7.2*” register: find_results

    • debug: var=find_results

    • name: find a subnet id ec2_vpc_subnet_facts: aws_access_key: “{ec2_access_key}” aws_secret_key: “{ec2_secret_key}” region: us-east-1 registe: subnet_ids

    • debug: subnet_ids

    • name: launch an ec2 instance ec2: aws_access_key: “{ec2_access_key}” aws_secret_key: “{ec2_secret_key}” instance_type: t2.micro region: us-east-1 image: “{find_resultes.results[0].ami_id}” instance_tags: Name: mperz wait: yes vpc_subnet_id: “{subnet_ids.subnets[0].id}” assign_public_ip: yes


  1. Ansible Vault (2:27:35)

vault is a feature that encrypts files w/sensitive data

이전강의에서 키들이 암호화되어있지않았기때문에 매우 취약한 상황.

ansible-vault encrypt keypair.yml
cat keypair.yml

ansible-playbook playbook.yml –ask-vault-pass

best practice for variables in vault

create a dir. underneath my group_vars

cd windows vi vault ansible-vault enctypr vault

만약에 암호화 해야 할 대상이 많다면 pip install cryptography



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