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오래간만에 온라인으로 하니까 편하고 좋긴한데

오늘의 할일

  • 220709 TIL 작성
  • GCP 특강 2회차
  • GCP ACE 공부

GCP 특강

Day-02 (7/9)
09:00 - 09:50 : 5_Containers in the Cloud
10:00 - 10:40 : 6_Applications in the Cloud
10:50 - 11:50 : Qwiklabs (Kubernetes Engine: Qwik Start)
                Qwiklabs (App Engine: Qwik Start - Go)
13:00 - 14:00  : Lunch
13:00 - 13:30 : 7_Developing Deploying and Monitoring in the Cloud
13:40 - 14:30 : Qwiklabs (Cloud Monitoring: Qwik Start)
14:40 - 15:30 : 8_Big Data and Machine Learning in the Cloud
15:40 - 17:30 : Qwiklabs (AI Platform: Qwik Start)
                Qwiklabs (Dataprep: Qwik Start)
17:30 - 17:50 : 9_Summary and Review



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